About us

The current elected Parliament has a large number of young members, and among them many first-time legislators. This provides an excellent opportunity to harness their enthusiasm and equip them with the skills and capabilities needed to become better legislators. The process of leadership development should start with these parliamentarians so that new traditions of democratic development can be established. In order to assist young Parliamentarians and to develop future political leadership of the country, a Young Parliamentarians Forum (YPF) was established in 2003 consisting of members of Parliament who were 40 years of age or under at the time of election. The purpose of the Young Parliamentarian Forum is to provide young parliamentarians with a platform where they can share and develop ideas, improve their legislative and leadership skills, and form inter-regional and inter-party networks.

As legislators, it is important for these Members of Parliament to learn how to initiate and support legislation that can improve the conditions of their constituents. In order for them to fulfil this role, they need to not only be aware of national and international issues of economic, social, and political importance but also play a more proactive role in policy making. They need to understand the imperatives of economic development and the limitations of developing policies within the given frameworks of international powers. International events have a direct impact on our social and economic realities, thus creating a need for policy makers to understand the currents of the global economy, and the need to work strategically with global powers. Indeed, legislators have to work within the given power arrangements and play an active and effective role as parliamentarians, and more importantly as reformers and leaders.

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Forum is to help young legislators understand these issues, and to equip them with the knowledge and skills to be better lawmakers. The Young Parliamentarians Forum is providing an opportunity to young legislators with the leadership skills to act as a catalyst for change in Pakistan’s political system and as pioneers of meaningful reforms.