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Interactive Session with PILDAT's Youth Parliament

YPF's interactive session with PILDAT's Youth Parliament

Honourable Ms. Shaza Fatima Khawaja MNA and General Secretary YPF, welcomed the committee members and briefed them about the work and purpose of the YPF. Ms. Khawaja said that the YPF was proud to honor a standing committee of the Youth Parliament Pakistan for its outstanding performance in terms of preparing a report on a key issue and submitting reform proposals to the Government. In an interactive session, ground realities relating to the implementation of reforms in the education sector and specifically for madrassas were discussed.

Young Parliamentarians Forum signs an MOU with SAAPS

Young Parliamentarians Forum signs an MOU with SAAPS (South Asian Academy of Physicians and Surgeons) to campaign for raising awareness and sensitizing the masses on the issues related to health not just in Pakistan but in South Asia at large. As per the MOU YPF shall be joining hands with SAAPS to bid farewell to Khralzada Kasrat Rai, an accomplished international walker who will be undertaking an international walk all across South Asia to raise awareness on issues related to health.

YPF presents its package of recommendations to the Special Committee on Electoral Refroms

Young Parliamentarians Forum
Recommendations on Electoral Reforms
To be submitted to: Special Parliamentary Committee on Electoral Reforms

Young Parliamentarians Forum Elects its Office Bearers

Islamabad June 12, 2014:  Young Parliamentarians Forum (YPF) in the National Assembly today elected its office bearers in a meeting held in Parliament House, this evening. The YPF elected Mr. Alam dad Lalika as President, Mr.  Imran Zafar Leghari as Vice President, Ms.  Shaza Fatima Khwaja as General Secretary and Mr. Qaisar Jamal, Mr. Muhammad Rehan Hashmi and Ms. Rumina K. Alam as Joint Secretary, Treasurer and Media Coordinator, respectively.

NA Speaker urges young parliamentarians to play their role in country's progress

ISLAMABAD, June 11, 2014: The level of debate in the Parliament has gone up in the recent years with more young parliamentarians being elected to the House. These views were expressed by the Speaker National Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq while speaking to the ceremony held to reactivate the Young Parliamentarians Forum (YPF) today at Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Services (PIPS).
